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2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: {Ayla} **enters the nest stretching eye's wide with wonder**
what is the wonderful place?
2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: *a woman hurries away as though frightened*
2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **cocks head to side questioningly but just shrug and count exploring this new place**
2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: *the people look a little nervous at her presence
2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she out stretchs her arms and in a sweeping motion she begins to twirl around**
2007-05-19 [Silver Moon]: *some others watch her
2007-05-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she collapses**
2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: She feels someone pick her up. "Are you all right miss?"
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she mumbles in coherently**
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: *walks over* "Are you all right?"
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **soft voiced** I havent had... wait... where am i?
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "You are in what is known as the dancers nest.."
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **looks around wide eyed**
how did i get here?
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "We don't know..you just started walking around muttering to yourself."
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks**
oh dear oh my...
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Are you all right?"
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: I don't know
**confused look**
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Maybe you should sit down.."
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: yes... i think that would be wise
**she stumbles twords a pillow**
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: *gives her some water*
2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **trembling she accpets it and slops a little over her chest**
2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Are you sure you are well?"
2007-11-15 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: I...I don't know
2007-11-16 [Silver Moon]: "If you want, you can rest here."
2007-11-16 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: that would be lovely
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *hands her a blanket*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **snuggles into the pillow**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *walks off to give her an undisturbed rest*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: ~~hours pass~~
**slowly waking**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *boy watches her*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she gasp/screams**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: He grinned and ran off, hiding behind another woman. "Sorry..he gets curious about new people." The woman said quietly.
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks and looks up blanket still held tight to her chest**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "He's only a little boy..I am sorry." She said as she shooed the little boy away.
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles nervously** i..i.. i'm sorry he just startled me..
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Here..I brought you something to eat." She said handing her food. "His name is Alc..he is an orphan we took in, he doesn't say much but he is a sweet kid."
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **accepts the food** thank you... my name is.. i think its ayla...
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Ayla? Noce to meet you Ayla my name is Jesa, if you need anything, just let me know."
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: *bows head** thank you.. very much..
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "You are welcome..This room is yours fpor as long as you need. Clean clothes are over in that chair." She said as she left.
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks** thank you..
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: She nodded one final time before closing the door.
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **sits and munch's in silence thinking.. trying to remember**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *the food tasted wonderful and soothing*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles and feels sleepy again**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *hears people going up and down the halls*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **wanders up and peeks out the door**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *sees people moving about as though preparing for something*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she changes into the jewel toned robe and wanders out**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: The boy from before leans against a wall watching people, boredom showing on his face.
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **walks over to the boy**
whats going on around here?
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: He looked up at her with a smile. "They are preparing for the harvest."
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: harvest?
i thought these were dancers?
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "The harvest is a celebration to support the people living here and a chance to learn new dance styles with outsiders."
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: interesting..
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Do you want to..join in the festivities?"
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles**
that would be lovely
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: he smiled too. "Let's go and get you signed up!"
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: alrighty then
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *leads the way to a table where dancers were assembled to sign up*
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **follows**
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "May we help you?" One of the men at the table asked
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i would like to help
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "With what? Food or dancing?"
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: Well I'm alright at cooking but my true talent is performing..
where ever you should have me be
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Do you dance?"
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Can you teach some of the young children how to dance?"
2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **eyes bright**
i would love to
2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *smiles* "Great than sign up and he can show you to the little ones, just watch out for Corden he can be a little brat sometimes."
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