Page name: Underground Dancers Nest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-25 04:55:16
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Underground Dancers Nest



As you descend the hole that is the entrance to this second underground world, you're hit with the overpowering scent of rosemary and lavender. There is a blazing fire the color of the sky in the center of the room. There are several other tunnels leading from this room carved from the lower part of the walls... You see people in bright colors with symbols painted on their skin stretching out on the floor and you see young children in the balconys listening to stories... learning their people's past.

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2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: {Ayla} **enters the nest stretching eye's wide with wonder**

what is the wonderful place?

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: *a woman hurries away as though frightened*

2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **cocks head to side questioningly but just shrug and count exploring this new place**

2007-05-18 [Silver Moon]: *the people look a little nervous at her presence

2007-05-18 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she out stretchs her arms and in a sweeping motion she begins to twirl around**

2007-05-19 [Silver Moon]: *some others watch her

2007-05-19 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she collapses**

2007-06-03 [Silver Moon]: She feels someone pick her up. "Are you all right miss?"

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she mumbles in coherently**

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: *walks over* "Are you all right?"

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **soft voiced** I havent had... wait... where am i?

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "You are in what is known as the dancers nest.."

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **looks around wide eyed**

how did i get here?

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "We don't just started walking around muttering to yourself."

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks**

oh dear oh my...

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Are you all right?"

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: I don't know

**confused look**

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Maybe you should sit down.."

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: yes... i think that would be wise

**she stumbles twords a pillow**

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: *gives her some water*

2007-11-14 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **trembling she accpets it and slops a little over her chest**

2007-11-14 [Silver Moon]: "Are you sure you are well?"

2007-11-15 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: I...I don't know

2007-11-16 [Silver Moon]: "If you want, you can rest here."

2007-11-16 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: that would be lovely

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *hands her a blanket*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **snuggles into the pillow**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *walks off to give her an undisturbed rest*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: ~~hours pass~~

**slowly waking**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *boy watches her*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she gasp/screams**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: He grinned and ran off, hiding behind another woman. "Sorry..he gets curious about new people." The woman said quietly.

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks and looks up blanket still held tight to her chest**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "He's only a little boy..I am sorry." She said as she shooed the little boy away.

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles nervously** i..i.. i'm sorry he just startled me..

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Here..I brought you something to eat." She said handing her food. "His name is Alc..he is an orphan we took in, he doesn't say much but he is a sweet kid."

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **accepts the food** thank you... my name is.. i think its ayla...

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Ayla? Noce to meet you Ayla my name is Jesa, if you need anything, just let me know."

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: *bows head** thank you.. very much..

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "You are welcome..This room is yours fpor as long as you need. Clean clothes are over in that chair." She said as she left.

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **blinks** thank you..

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: She nodded one final time before closing the door.

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **sits and munch's in silence thinking.. trying to remember**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *the food tasted wonderful and soothing*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles and feels sleepy again**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *hears people going up and down the halls*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **wanders up and peeks out the door**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *sees people moving about as though preparing for something*

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **she changes into the jewel toned robe and wanders out**

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: The boy from before leans against a wall watching people, boredom showing on his face.

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **walks over to the boy**

whats going on around here?

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: He looked up at her with a smile. "They are preparing for the harvest."

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: harvest?

i thought these were dancers?

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "The harvest is a celebration to support the people living here and a chance to learn new dance styles with outsiders."

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: interesting..

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Do you want to..join in the festivities?"

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **smiles**

that would be lovely

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: he smiled too. "Let's go and get you signed up!"

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: alrighty then

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *leads the way to a table where dancers were assembled to sign up*

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "May we help you?" One of the men at the table asked

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: i would like to help

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "With what? Food or dancing?"

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: Well I'm alright at cooking but my true talent is performing..

where ever you should have me be

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Do you dance?"

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: "Can you teach some of the young children how to dance?"

2007-11-17 [♀Kotton Kandy♀ the ♀American Witch♀]: **eyes bright**

i would love to

2007-11-17 [Silver Moon]: *smiles* "Great than sign up and he can show you to the little ones, just watch out for Corden he can be a little brat sometimes."

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